I WAS going to make you all wait. But I couldn’t do it. :)
The design team came by yesterday to make their presentation.
Thankfully, Mark took my threats seriously and came home from work so he can help make some decisions about the fate of our living room.
They presented us with two different colour schemes, let’s call one “Cranberries and Nuts” and the other one “Harvest Cornucopia.” Please note, I’m working from memory here (which isn’t that great at the best of times) and didn’t note the official colours for most things. You’ll have to use your imagination.
The Harvest
In this scenario, three walls would be painted “Raffia Ribbon” and the fourth would be painted either squash or light green. Trim and ceiling would be white.
Cranberries and Nuts
They suggested we paint the three walls a yellow-based neutral and paint the fourth wall “Scarlet Maple.” That’s red, to us civilian folk. Trim and ceiling would be white.
When the topic of the one red wall came up I started to snicker. This was probably rude of me, and they probably thought I was mildly psychotic, but I was laughing because I knew, I KNEW, deep in my heart, that painting one red wall would be a sure fire way to give my in-laws a case of permanent heartburn. You see, when they moved into their new house the Red Walls were the first thing to go.
For this scenario we ditched the idea of the red and talked about painting the fourth wall a shade or two darker than the others, which would be, um, beige, for the lack of a better name.
So tell me, which would you pick?