11 Jun, 2009
Mothercraft Touch-a-Truck event needs a few extra hands
Posted by andrea tomkins in: - Ottawa for kids|Easy ways to make kids happy
Mothercraft’s 2nd annual Touch-a-Truck event gives kids young and old the opportunity to get up close and personal with vehicles of all shapes and sizes.
Touch-a-Truck will take place on Father’s Day at Lincoln Fields Shopping Centre, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There’ll be over 30 vehicles for kids to explore, arts and crafts, food (c/o Busters), a strongman demonstration and other activities. (Does this event sound awesome or what?)
Proceeds from the fundraiser go toward supporting Mothercraft programs such as pre-natal and parenting support, learning and child care. In other words you get to give your kid the thrill of a lifetime AND support a most-excellent organization.
Unfortunately they’re short a few volunteers to help in a variety of roles: set-up, clean-up, runners, security, truck assistance, staging, etc. Shifts are flexible and range from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers will be fed and watered! High school students can earn volunteer hours by attending the info session as well as for their participation at the event.
For more information call 613-728-1839 or email lilianne@mothercraft.com