18 Sep, 2009
Hourly Photo project: Friday October 2, 2009
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Memes/blog awards etc|Photography
I had a lot of fun doing my one-photo-every-hour-for-a-day project. My enjoyment must have been contagious because Lex picked up the idea and did it as well. There was some Twittering about it afterwards and a bunch of us agreed that we wanted to do it again on a date in the near future.
The date: Friday October 2, 2009
The deal: Take one photo every hour starting from when you wake up, and ending whenever you (a) go to bed or (b) run out of light. :) I took one when I woke up and one every hour until 10:00 p.m.
Use whatever camera or mobile device you prefer. Post them to your blog and/or your photosharing site as you go. Just make sure you let us know where you’re posting them so we can all have a look. Tag them “hourlyphoto” so they’re easy to find. Twitter along with the #hourlyphoto too.
Would you like to make it extra challenging for yourself? DON’T DO RETAKES. (!) This is not mandatory but I thought I’d throw it out there in case you’re the kind of person who likes a challenge.
Here’s a tip: I set my mobile phone’s alarm clock for every hour, one minute before the hour i.e. at 6:59, 7:59, 8:59 etc. That gave me a minute to get my camera ready (I used my iPhone) and snap The Thing I Happened To Be Looking At.
Please consider playing along. It’s really interesting to see what other people are seeing at the same time you are. (Um, that is, provided we’re in the same time zone, if not, that’s okay too.)
ETA: it’s not a problem if you aren’t able to upload as you go. Just upload in batches when you have the chance. And you don’t need a Twitter account to play along either!)
Who’s in? I’ll keep the list of participants and their websites updated here.
- Me – (@missfish – if you want to follow along via Twitter)
- Lex – (@AlexaClark)
- Sherry – (@sherina)
- Danigirl – (@Danigirl)
- Soire – (@Soire)
- Sharon
- Ginger
- Lynn – who will write this in her calendar RIGHT NOW
- Katy Watts (@klwatts)
- Marilyn Warrender
- Psychgrad
- Amy @ Muddy Boots (@muddybootsblog)
- bunnyhero (@bunnyhero)
- Liz Van Gerven (@lizvang)
- Ray Divens
- Geri
- Brianne
- rikrak
- Momartfully (@momartfully)
- Tommy Vallier (@tommyvallier)
- BeachMama (@BeachMama)
- Blake Eligh @blackeligh)
- Sarah Banks @sillpillow