I promise that this blog won’t become a dog blog, but Piper has been taking up a lot of space in my head lately and I can’t help myself.
I like to call this photo: Puppy in Sunshine or, Happy Girl. I’m not sure which. :)
Piper has been an amazing dog. I can’t get over how clever she is. And we’ve only had her for two weeks! She already knows how to sit, she sleeps in her crate at night and has figured out how to let us know when she needs to go outside (during the night, not yet during the day).
We all went for a good walk after dinner last night. She’s finally figuring out how to walk on her leash. (Normally she likes to sit down about 20 times during any length of walk in order to pause, look around, and enjoy the scenery. It takes a bit of convincing to get her moving again.)
She is so comical. She has us in stitches all the time. Her little personality is coming out a little more every day. I don’t know who loves her more, because she has certainly stolen all of our hearts.
New things:
- She is very much a lap dog, and loves to snuggle.
- She likes to bury her nose in your neck/armpit/other warm spot while she’s napping
- She has just discovered ice cubes. She’s so funny to watch. Her routine goes like this: suck it, drop it, suck it, drop it, suck it, drop it, HEY WHERE DID IT GO?
- She’s a kisser, and will stop and nothing in order to give you a good face wash.
- Her love of sticks has extended to the chewing and eating of every tiny bit of wood she encounters outside. (Which we try to avoid, obviously!)
- She likes having baths!
- She does not like getting brushed.
- She’s proven herself to be reliably friendly with every kid in the neighborhood. The local dogs? Not so much. She wants to jump all over their faces from all the excitement. I need to read up about dog socialization.
- She hasn’t noticed BB the budgie yet.
- I used to roll my eyes at those little poop bag attachments for leashes but I have to retract all previous eyeballrolling and admit that whoever invented the idea deserves a Nobel prize
- Shopping for a puppy is like shopping for a new baby: so.much.stuff. We’ve been good so far, but the cuteness of it all is increasingly hard to resist.
I hope you’re all having a great long weekend!