05 Oct, 2010
Commemorating 10-10-10 … in 10 photos
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Challenge me, challenge you|Photography
Last year around this time I hosted an hourly photo challenge. I want to do it again, this time to commemorate the lucky-sounding 10-10-10. Who’s in?
Here’s the nitty gritty:
The date: Sunday October 10, 2010
The deal: Take one photo every hour, on the hour, for ten hours. The goal is to get ten photos.
I’m going to start at 8:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m.
Use whatever camera or mobile device you prefer. Post them to your blog and/or your photosharing site as you are able. Just make sure you let us know where you’re posting them so we can all have a look. Tag them “10photos” so they’re easy to find. Twitter along with the #10photos too. (ETA: follow the twitter feed here.)
Would you like to make it extra challenging for yourself? DON’T DO RETAKES. (!) This is not mandatory but I thought I’d throw it out there in case you’re the kind of person who likes a challenge. :)
Here’s a tip if you have a mobile phone or alarm clock on your watch. Set it for one minute before the hour i.e. at 7:59, 8:59 etc. That will give you a solid minute to get your camera ready and snap The Thing You Happened To Be Looking At.
Please consider playing along! It’s really interesting to see what other people are seeing at the same time you are. (Um, that is, provided we’re in the same time zone, if not, that’s okay too.)
It’s not a problem if you aren’t can’t upload as you go. Upload in batches when you have the chance. ETA: Or even the next day. If you’re blogging your photo uploads I will later update the link below to your 10photos blog post.
Who’s in? I’ll keep the list of participants and their respective Flickrs/blogs/Twitter accounts updated here for reference.
Participants included:
- mapsgirl
- Maranda (Flickr/Twitter)
- Katy Watts (Flickr/Twitter)
- Jenn
- Kaitlin
- BeachMama
- Lara
- Loukia
- Sara
- Annie
- Ginger (Flickr/Twitter)
- Mel Gallant
- Chantal
- Judy
- Annie @ PhD in Parenting
- Shan @ The Fairy Blogmother
- Krista (Flickr/Twitter)
- Glen Gower a.k.a. OttawaStart Blog
- Melanie B
- candis
- Amy @ Muddy Boots (Flickr/Twitter)
- Urban Girl
- Joanne
- JesLacasse (Twitter)
- Barbara (Twitter)
- Rae (Flickr)
- Mary @ Parenthood
- Kimberly (Twitter)
- Karen (Flickr/Twitter)
- Myke (Flickr/Twitter)
- Lima
- liveotherwise
- Brenda (@ottawamom)
- Josee DesRosiers
- Eden Spodek
- Anne (Flickr/Twitter)