14 Apr, 2011
A Savvy-Fishaversary of sorts
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Publishing/writing/career stuff
The other day I realized that I’ve been writing for SavvyMom for FOUR years.
I can’t believe it’s been that long.
It’s been one of the most fun and satisfying writing gigs I’ve ever had. Allow me to count the ways.
- I get to meet all kinds of cool (and inspiring!) Ottawans.
- I’ve had the opportunity to discover some really neat places in Ottawa.
- I work with really great people.
- It’s never boring!
- I’m usually the one pitching my own story ideas, so I’m writing about topics that I personally find interesting. This makes me happy, and I feel super motivated to spend the time on each piece.
- Sometimes I’ve had the opportunity to bring the girls along for research. They get to see me in action. Hopefully there are some important lessons imprinted upon them during this process, namely, DO WHAT YOU LOVE.
- It gives me a special thrill to share all of these hidden treasures in and around Ottawa with readers …
- and to help promote local businesses too!
I am incredibly proud to be part of the Savvy biz, and I hope they keep me on for at least another four years. ;)
I wanted to share a list some of my favourite articles with you – the ones that have the best memories attached to them – but I’m having trouble narrowing it down this morning. How about this for a smattering:
- Drive-in movies
- A road trip to Merrickville
- Horsing around at Pinto Valley Ranch
- Dogsledding
- Feeding the animals at Parc Omega
- Riding the rails and having some train-related fun
- Camping with kids
- Exploring the secrets of Lime Kiln Trail
- Spelunking at Lusk Cave
- Beachside dining
One last thing, a lot of you Fishies are (a) Savvy subscribers, and (b) regularly forward me ideas and info for future articles. Thank you for that! Your support and interest are very appreciated! xo!