Amanda Sage (who I previously wrote about here) contacted me recently about a really interesting event she’s organizing and I thought I’d share it here with you. It’s a fundraiser for CARE Canada, and it will be taking place at Petit Bill’s Bistro on Sunday October 2.
It’s a great opportunity to nibble and network with some really cool people. Speakers will include:
- Amanda Putz, CBC Radio host (MC)
- Rob Woodbridge, mobile business advisor
- Richard Weber, Arctic and polar explorer
- Julie Drury, medical advocate
- John Zahab, ultrarunner, fitness trainer
- Kevin Newman, journalist, digital media advisor
Other attending Kickass Canadians attending will include:
- Al Charron, Canadian rugby icon
- Andrew King, painter
- Emily Chen, designer
- Miles Finlayson, filmmaker
- Ryan Steeves, lawyer, youth mentor
There’ll be a silent auction with proceeds going to go to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa too.
I’ll be there too!
You can buy tickets and read more about this really neat event at the Kickass Canadians website. Please check it out when you have a moment. Thank you!