27 Nov, 2011
The 2011 edition of the Fishbowl Christmas Countdown Calendar
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Challenge me, challenge you|Easy ways to make kids happy
a.k.a. The Family Advent Calendar
a.k.a. 25 days of Christmas
Oh man. I’m not ready for this:
For those of you who aren’t in the know, many moons ago I started a new tradition with my family. Instead of buying a chocolate advent calendar I decided to surprise the girls with one Christmas-related activity everyday throughout the month of December; a fun task, seasonal event, or craft. No chocolate, no shopping, and no cheap gifts — just family time.
You can read more about how to make your own advent calendar, get some ideas about some activities to do, and read more about why this has been such an awesome family tradition at least year’s post about it.
I’ve been doing this for many years now (I think this will be the fifth year?) and now that the girls are older I’m actually going to scale it down to 12 days. There won’t be any partridges in pear trees or golden rings to distribute (not to mention drummers drumming and maids a’milking), but I want to do something bigger for a shorter length of time this year. :)
If all goes well I will be photographing and writing about each of the activities we do for our twelve days. Care to join me? Either for 25 or 12? Let me know! Regardless of which you choose, if you tweet something related to this project please use #25daysofChristmas so I can follow your fun! Thank you!