13 Jan, 2012
A drop of red and a drop of blue – icicles for me, icicles for you
Posted by andrea tomkins in: - Ottawa for kids|Easy ways to make kids happy|File under crafty|Publishing/writing/career stuff
This week’s kid-friendly activity (admittedly I am stretching the definition of “craft” here) over at Canadian Family Magazine is a wee DIY for Rainbow Icicles. You can read it here.
In case you’re wondering, these are not designed to be edible, although I suppose you can make them out of juice or Jello. (But then you run the risk of your icicles being licked by squirrels when you’re not looking. And that’s simply not an option for me.)
Don’t be deceived by this craft’s simplicity. I will say this… the girls really got involved and enjoyed the process. AND, as an added bonus, this is one of those activities that (a) don’t take very long and (b) makes minimal mess and (c) uses stuff you probably already have lying around the house, and (d) is ideal for people who want to make things with their kids and don’t have a crafty bone in their body.
Note: I couldn’t convince the kids not to use yellow food colouring. Our one yellow icicle looks like a brick of frozen pee… as if the doctor left all the urine samples outside during a deep freeze and tied them to nearby trees in a fit of insanity.
Oh well. ;)
p.s. Speaking of frozen ice, we are going ICE FISHING in February! Neat eh? Strike another one off the bucket list! More about that later. Woot!