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1. Wartime Ottawa, 2. View of downtown Ottawa, 3. Remembrance Hall, 4. Old medical tools, 5. Nurse Uniform, 6. Sarah listens, 7. Flags, 8. Uniform, 9. Model of the HMS St.Lawrence, 10. Gas hood, 11. Fire truck, 12. German Schwimmwagen, 13. War elephant, 14. Emergency Exit, with tiny view, 15. Canadian War Museum, 16. Duck and cover!, 17. Papa’s Voodoo, 18. Wartime poster, 19. War games of a different kind, 20. Vimy, 21. A bear in war, 1917, 22. Architecture, 23. Cafeteria, 24. The back of the Voodoo, 25. Ford Emergency Food Van
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