a peek inside the fishbowl

22 Dec, 2014

The gift of sweets (a.k.a. an embarrassingly easy “skor bar” recipe)

Posted by andrea tomkins in: Easy ways to make kids happy|Recipes and Food

I’m not a cookie baker. I’m a cookie EATER, but I’m not a cookie baker. So it goes without saying that every Christmas I feel like a failure in the cookie department. I just can’t motivate myself to mix together butter and sugar and crank out something that looks and tastes amazing. (Honestly, I prefer chips and cheese.)

So when I get my hands on an easy recipe that doesn’t require any work on my part, well, let’s just say it makes me pretty happy. So without further ado, let me present my friend Mari-beth’s recipe for Skor bars. It’s one of those recipes that you eat at someone’s house and then the hostess says something offhandedly such as: “did you know these are made out of crackers?” and then you faint, with a trail of crumbs falling out of your mouth and chocolate on your fingers, because you never imagined in your life that you can make something this delicious out of crackers.

WELL THIS IS IT. This is so easy it is ridonkulous. You can whip these up at the least convenient times; when your extended family phones FROM THE CAR and tells you they’re dropping by, the night before the class Christmas party, the afternoon of your office potluck, whenever. And everyone will rave about it and beg you to tell the story of how YOU MAKE MAGICAL THINGS OUT OF CRACKERS.

Crackers in a pan

Oh the symmetry!

Fresh out of the fridge

Festive skor bars, ready to eat!

Mari-beth’s Skor bars

  • One sleeve of Premium Plus crackers
  • 1/2 lb  of butter
  • 1 cup of brown sugar, packed
  • 1 package of semi-sweet chocolate chips

1) Preheat the oven to 325F. Do this first, because everything comes together so quickly you will regret it if you don’t.

2) Grease the bottom and sides of a regular cookie sheet.

3) Dump the crackers in the pan and spread them out so they’re in a single layer. Eat remaining handful of crackers.

4) Combine the butter and sugar in a saucepan and boil ’em gently until they’re no longer separated and have formed a frothy brown syrup. (No need to use a candy thermometer! Woot!)

5) Pour the mixture evenly over the crackers. Bake for 12 minutes.

6) Remove from oven and sprinkle the chocolate chips over the whole shebang. Wait a minute for them to soften. Then, using the back of a spoon, gently swirl the chocolate to cover the sheet. Candy cane crumbs are optional. (Make these by smashing a few candy canes with a meat tenderizer.)

7) Let the tray cool a bit, then pop it in the fridge for about two hours. Once it’s set, use a sharp spatula to cut it all into pieces, right in the pan.

Let me know if you try these, and if you can refrain from eating half the tray as soon as they’re ready. :|


4 Responses to "The gift of sweets (a.k.a. an embarrassingly easy “skor bar” recipe)"

1 | TD

December 22nd, 2014 at 10:11 am


This is my goto recipe too. I do it slightly different in that I line the cookie sheet with tin foil before spraying with cooking spray, and I also add 5ml of vanilla to the butter/sugar mix once it comes off the stove.

Also use Salted butter, as I used unsalted the last time I made it, and it was not quite as good.

2 | S D

December 22nd, 2014 at 7:28 pm


These are a family favorite. We use chopped pecans on top instead of the candy cane crumbs. A friend uses Club Crackers instead of saltines and I know others who use graham crackers.

3 | Lisa from Iroquois

December 24th, 2014 at 7:00 pm


I made these for the first time this year. The recipe was called Saltine Toffee or Crack. OMG! I was soooo glad I made a small batch because this stuff really is addictive. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

4 | a peek inside the fishbowl » Blog Archive Confetti squares... a holiday snack or any day snack for anyone with a sweet tooth? - a peek inside the fishbowl

December 18th, 2018 at 9:47 am


[…] like this Christmas crack we make every year, it’s the kind of thing that you don’t bake, it’s more of an […]

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The Obligatory Blurb

My name is Andrea and I live in the Westboro area of Ottawa with my husband Mark and our dog Piper who is kind of a big deal on Instagram. We also have two human offspring: Emma (24) and Sarah (22). During the day I work as a writer at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. I am a longtime Ottawa blogger and I've occupied this little corner of the WWW since 1999. The Fishbowl is my whiteboard, water cooler, and journal, all rolled into one. I'm passionate about healthy living, arts and culture, travel, great gear, good food, and sharing the best of Ottawa. I also love vegetables, photography, gadgets, and great design.

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