I’m sitting here finishing my coffee while B.B. the budgie is splashing away in his birdie-sized bath tub. His feathers are so wet he can’t fly. He’s quite a hoot. Watching his personality evolve has been really interesting. (Did you know birds have personalities?)
BB likes:
- baths
- millet
- leaf lettuce
- Rita Celli
- his toys, especially little bells
- the mirror in the bathroom
- saying his name
- the “I’ll drop the ball and you get it” game
- sitting on the window (which he isn’t allowed to do)
- chewing on his wooden ladder
- nibbling on paper
- pretending he’s a girl (long story)
- sampling the contents of my cereal bowl
BB doesn’t like:
- Mark’s neck
- being told to go back into the cage when he isn’t ready to go
I got some gardening done yesterday. Wasn’t it gorgeous? I filled a few containers with the herbs Mark and the girls bought me for Mother’s Day, as well as some begonias and johnny jump-ups (i love their sweet little flower faces.) After many years of home ownership I have come to realize that I am strictly a container gal. Flowerbeds and vegetable beds are too much for me. I am secretly dreaming of converting our yard into a forest.
Once my coffee is done I’m off to pack. I’m among a handful of Canadian bloggers who were invited to attend a sponsored junket about local food which is taking place in Toronto over the weekend. Learning about how to eat closer to home is a topic which really interests me, but at this point I’m not sure how much I’ll be blogging or twittering about the conference. You interested in hearing about it while I’m there? Let me know!
(Have a great weekend everyone!)