31 Jan, 2012
Foodiemergency a.k.a there’s nothing to eat in the house. Now what?
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Recipes and Food
We have had a bunch of those days lately. You know what I’m talking about, right? When menu planning has fallen by the wayside due to work/illness/stunning lack of motivation and the last thing you feel like doing is chopping veggies for a stir fry or slapping together a gee dee meat loaf.
It’s tempting to go the fast food route, it really is, but there are a few other things you can do to make a dinner that is a notch healthier.
1) Breakfast for dinner. It’s probably everyone’s standby. Last week we had bacon, scrambled eggs, chopped fresh cantaloupe, and something we like to call raisin-french-waffle-toast for dinner. (Basically, take some sliced grocery store raisin toast, dip in egg, and cook in a waffle iron. It is AMAZING. And the only way my eldest will eat egg.)
2) Grocery store roast chickens. I’ve written about this before. It’s amazing what you can do with a chicken or two. The other day we cut one up, simmered it in PC butter chicken sauce, and served it with basmati rice and store-bought naan bread (although you could make your own). Even the kids ate it. THE. KIDS. ATE. IT.
Butter chicken, the gateway dish to Indian food!
3) Shawarma. Mark and I are big fans of shawarma (a middle-eastern sandwich with a filling of seasoned chicken or beef, garlic mayonnaise, onion, tomato, pickled turnip and parsley among other things). In the past we’ve had take out from a place down the street and only bought hummus and pita for the girls. A couple weeks ago, on a whim, we decided to try their family meal and buy extra pita bread from a local middle-eastern corner store. It was so good I just about died. And there was So Much Food. We had it for dinner AND lunch the next day. It made a dozen sandwiches. I kid ye not.
Pictured below is just one of two huge trays:
The other one contained all the meat, rice, and roasted potato. It was a great meal and the kids really liked making their own sandwiches.
Which begs the question, where’s your favourite place to get shawarma in Ottawa?
In related foodie news, I wanted to take a moment to tell you all about an exciting new gig. I am the new editor/content manager for a soon-to-be launched website called Recipes.ca. We’re on Twitter and Facebook and will soon be announcing our official launch. I’ve had lots of sneak peeks and I know this new site will be immensely popular with anyone who loves to eat. Like me. :) I hope you join us!