a peek inside the fishbowl

Archive for the ‘Moments of bliss’ Category

02 May, 2015

Moment of bliss #020

Posted by: andrea tomkins In: Moments of bliss

It was Friday afternoon and I had a list of things I should be doing. Work, or housework, for example. We were having friends over for dinner and there were Many Things Left To Do. And then there was laundry – there is always laundry – but I took advantage of the sunny day and walked down to the […]

27 Mar, 2015

Moment of bliss #019

Posted by: andrea tomkins In: Moments of bliss

We woke up late. My intent was to get to the beach while it was still dark and hunker down in the beach chairs to watch the sun rise but we didn’t quite make it that early. When we arrived the sand was delightfully cool on the feet, a gift in and of itself. There […]

22 Sep, 2014

Moment of bliss #018

Posted by: andrea tomkins In: Moments of bliss

The clouds parted, and the sun shone with such force I had to squint. It was if the sun had been holding on to its heat and light and released it all at once. The darkness of the day beat a hasty retreat. The leaves glowed, the landscape glistened, the water sparkled, and there I […]

23 Jul, 2014

Time for a little bit of this

Posted by: andrea tomkins In: Moments of bliss

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11 Jun, 2014

Moment of bliss #017

Posted by: andrea tomkins In: Moments of bliss

This is my view when I’m sitting on our back deck: This is what I usually see when I turn around. I think about how long it took us to get to this point. Of course, I’m mostly referring to our massive reno. The planning of this particular part of the house was a mini-headache […]


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The Obligatory Blurb

My name is Andrea and I live in the Westboro area of Ottawa with my husband Mark and our dog Piper who is kind of a big deal on Instagram. We also have two human offspring: Emma (24) and Sarah (22). During the day I work as a writer at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. I am a longtime Ottawa blogger and I've occupied this little corner of the WWW since 1999. The Fishbowl is my whiteboard, water cooler, and journal, all rolled into one. I'm passionate about healthy living, arts and culture, travel, great gear, good food, and sharing the best of Ottawa. I also love vegetables, photography, gadgets, and great design.

If you'd like to contact me, please use this form. If you're so inclined, you can read more about me here. Thank you for visiting!


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