Due to technical problems with my server the most recent copy of my site was lost – which included the final copy of this post as well as the comments.
Oh my pretties, these last days have slipped away in a blur. Mark and I have been caring for two sickies here. The girls went down like a couple of dominoes. Sarah went down on Saturday, while we were away at my mother’s for the The Annual Raking of the Forest:
And Emma went down on Sunday.
I am not in top form either, and am struggling to pull my crap together right now. My blog and email were down all weekend. Suffice it to say that without email I felt like a flounder in a fishmarket… anxious and out of my element!
I have photos from two sessions to edit and a pile ‘o other stuff not including a kitchen to tidy and the usual extra large pile of laundry. I don’t know where it comes from, but I do know that I don’t have any matching socks.