There are a lot of conversations about Halloween happening in the Interwebs right now, especially as it pertains to age: how old is too old etc. For the record, I have no problem giving candy to teenagers. I figure if they want to be a kid a little while longer, it’s ok in my books. But how do you feel about adults coming to your door? Like, alone? Without kids?
As much as I enjoy seeing everyone’s costumes, I don’t feel… how should I put this… charitable when I’m dishing out the candy.
One year a woman – very much a grown up – came to our door and held out her bag. (If memory serves, it may have even been a handbag.) We were handing out full-size candy bars that year. She waved down the street vaguely and said, “My kids are over there.” I felt like saying: “lady, go buy your own candy or raid your kid’s stash.” But of course, I didn’t. I dropped the candy in her bag without a word.
Candy isn’t cheap and we get a couple hundred kids to our door every year. I’d rather reserve it for the kids.
I believe Halloween is for everyone but that the trick or treating part should remain the domain of the younger set. Or maybe I’m just a grumpy old Scrooge. I’d love to hear what you think. Should adults be asking for candy at the door?