05 Feb, 2007
Monday Show and Tell: now all we need is a partridge
Posted by andrea tomkins in: - Mondays are for Show and Tell|Easy ways to make kids happy|Photography
I was going to get this online earlier but was thrown off by some major tomato soup spillage on our almost-brand new dining room rug.
My tears are dry now (yes, I was bawling as I scrubbed out the stains… Sarah was too), the carpet survived, and we are finally past it all.
Here is Sarah with her newly-sprouted pear tree. She started it from seed, from a pear that came from the grocery store. It’s growing in a former container of pear-flavoured yogurt. For some reason the girls find this really funny.Â
Sarah says: “I planted this seed because I thought it would grow and that I would get a tree someday. I don’t think seeds are brown, I think they are green inside. Seeds aren’t so boring. They can be very fun. Trees aren’t boring either. You can climb them, put swings on them and then swing on the swings.”
* would you like to particpate in our Monday Show and Tell? Read more in our past installments.