a peek inside the fishbowl

22 Jun, 2024

Working our way down our 2024 summer bucket list

Posted by andrea tomkins in: Misc. life|Ottawa

I have felt like a bit of a wreck lately. I haven’t been sleeping well. I had a sizable cyst removed from my back (I’m ok but ew). I have been dealing with sore knees for weeks, and most recently, an eyelid infection. The latter means I can’t wear makeup. I know that’s vain but there it is. And did I mention I’m not sleeping well? I look and feel like a zombie and I’m kind of done with it. And so, with that, I am trying to change my mindset and focus on good things at the moment. Like summer.

I can’t believe it’s June 22 already. It’s officially here but we’ve actually been in summer mode since the spring. :) To celebrate summer solstice, Mark and I went to the NCC bistro along the Ottawa River to see the sun set and ran into friends who had had the same idea. It was a happy happenstance, and I left there feeling something akin to New Year’s, that I had inadvertently recalibrated and set myself on a direction that I like and want to go. Ahead of me, is a brand new summer, and all I need to do is fill it up! (Ok, yes there’s work, and other stuff, but leisure time is MY time! What I choose to do with it is within my power.)

Of course, it helps to have a plan. For the past few years I’ve kept a note on my phone called “summer bucket list.” You can read a few of those posts in the archives if by any chance you’re looking for something to do in and around Ottawa.

How I create that summer list is pretty simple: as soon as I read or hear about something that I want to do, I add it to the checklist. Doing this ASAP is key because I’m sure to forget otherwise.

There are too many things to list here but some of our bucket list highlights so far include the Diefenbunker. I think the last time we visited was 15 years ago. There have been a few updates since then, but some things haven’t changed, like the blast tunnel:

Me in the Diefenbunker blast tunnel

We also checked out an Atletico soccer game for the first time ever. We had a good time but it was the afternoon of the Run for Women and it was absolutely sweltering. Our seats were two rows up from the field. (I am embarrassed to admit that I accidentally cheered for the wrong team. Clearly I have a lot to learn about soccer.)

Mark and me

We enjoyed a sunny day trip to Voyageur Provincial Park for outdoor R&R (plus paddleboarding and grilling and General Picnic Things):

Our spot at Voyageur Provincial park<

Also not to be forgotten, Petroglyphs Provincial Park, which was excellent. I don’t have photos of the petroglyphs to show as it’s a sacred site, just me, on a woodsy walkabout after the fact, and this sign saying no photos allowed:

Petroglyphs Provincial Park is a sacred site

Me at Petroglyphs Provincial Park

… and, most recently, hiked the Rock Dunder trail outside of Kingston. We HIGHLYyyyyy recommend it. It’s an excellent trail and the view is the perfect payoff. I could have lingered longer but we were rushing to hit up a brewery in Kingston before it closed.

me at Rock Dunder outside Kingston

There’s something really enjoyable about creating a list and checking things off, especially when FUN things are involved. It’s so satisfying to look back on all the things you did… AND it’s also nice to look forward to things on that list.

I would like to say that TODAY, Saturday, Mark and I are checking another activity off the summer bucket list but that is not to be. We are actually heading out to Kemptville** to pick up some rocks for our garden. This is a Facebook Marketplace arrangement and I am mildly worried about it for several reasons so I will make sure to report back. (I assure you that it’s likely to be safe, and Mark will be with me, and we’re bringing a crowbar (I am not kidding, it’s to help us move the rocks) so don’t worry!)

** We are attempting to make this into a bit of a roadtrip and include a lunch at a Kemptville bakery (?) and another stop along the way (TBD?). We shall see what happens. Sometimes the funnest summer fun is the unexpected kind. Right? ;)


1 Response to "Working our way down our 2024 summer bucket list"

1 | Jennifer Jilks

June 22nd, 2024 at 6:28 pm


I don’t have a bucket list. I sorta live day to day!

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Me and my pet projects

Ottawa Bucket list

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The Obligatory Blurb

My name is Andrea and I live in the Westboro area of Ottawa with my husband Mark and our dog Piper who is kind of a big deal on Instagram. We also have two human offspring: Emma (24) and Sarah (22). During the day I work as a writer at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. I am a longtime Ottawa blogger and I've occupied this little corner of the WWW since 1999. The Fishbowl is my whiteboard, water cooler, and journal, all rolled into one. I'm passionate about healthy living, arts and culture, travel, great gear, good food, and sharing the best of Ottawa. I also love vegetables, photography, gadgets, and great design.

If you'd like to contact me, please use this form. If you're so inclined, you can read more about me here. Thank you for visiting!


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