02 Oct, 2007
A little tour of the things I love – third stop – glass of fortunes
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Oh! Things!
I find it very difficult to throw fortune-cookie fortunes away. I am not sure why, exactly. But I think they serve as good reminders for us, don’t you think?
Here are some of the ones I have:
“Others admire your caring qualities”
“Whether you choose love or fame, you’ll be able to handle either or both.”
“You have an unusually magnetic personality.”
“Your smile will brighten someone’s day.”
“You are a person of culture.”
“Now is the time to try something new.”
And my personal favourite:
“You like Chinese food.”
I should start re-reading old fortunes more often. They’re inspirational!
The glass (pictured above) was given to me by my mother. It’s old. It sat forlornly on my shelf for awhile, and it wasn’t until I filled it with fortunes that it perked up a bit.
You’ll have to click to enlarge (there are a few other annotations over there), you’ll see the other thing it holds is a couple of old wood inkpens that my mother used when she was a schoolgirl.
Next up on the tour: Mr. Peanut. I think you’ll get a kick out of this one. ;)