02 Aug, 2012
A virtual hello from BlogHer 2012
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Publishing/writing/career stuff
It’s Thursday, which means that I’m officially en route to BlogHer 2012, one of the biggest blogging conferences in North America. It’s in New York City, and I’m bringing more than just a suitcase full of clothes and shoes. I’m bringing the family too! I’m happy they’re coming but also sad that I won’t be able to take in many of the sights of NYC. I’ll be sharing more about our adventures next week but I will say this: we are DRIVING. Eep!
I won’t be posting very much while I’m away so I wanted to leave this little blurb for BlogHer-related visitors who might find their way here during the conference and are wondering what the hell it is that they are looking at.
The Fishbowl is about a lot of things: family travel, eco-friendly gear, food, great design, and healthy living. I write quite a lot about about Ottawa too.
I work primarily as a freelance writer and web content manager and I have had a lot of interesting writing gigs. For example:
- I regularly write feature profiles for local home/design/reno magazines.
- I scripted a series of e-learning videos for DND (including one that took place at a shooting range)
- I wrote a script for a promotional video about an explosives-testing facility (ask me what kind of shoes I wore when I went on a tour of the place)
- I’ve written about poison-dart frogs and other critters for a local museum
- I wrote a script for a promotional video about a summer camp for kids (some fun research required there)
- … and a script for an educational high-school video about the Canadian Parliamentary system.
- I have also written about toilets. And dog-sledding. And cupcakes. And spelunking.
And that is just skimming the surface.
Right now I am cooking and eating and writing and snapping food photos for Recipes.ca. I blog for CanadianFamily.ca and UsedEverywhere as well but most of my blogging time is spent right here.
Some of my favourite posts are about:
- Food (I have devoted a whole category to eating and recipes)
- Our giant reno (I often ask readers for advice. Let’s just call it crowdsourcing!)
- The business of blogging (e.g. monetization, rate sheets, and other topics in professional development)
- My experience baking cookies in the car.
- Chipmunks. (Cute video alert!)
You can read more about me here if you are so inclined. You can follow me on Twitter or follow the Fishbowl on Facebook for additional content. You can also receive my blog posts by email.
Thanks for following!