Emma’s off to school today. Mark and Sarah are watching cartoons while I type.
She was so excited. She got up and was dressed moments after her alarm clock went off. Then she crawled into bed with us. I forced my eyes open (I’m not used to waking up at 6:45!) and saw that she was positively BEAMING at me.
“It’s the first day of school mummy!” she whisper-shouted.
The four of us all walked to school. It was an uneventful, but nice, send off. The three remaining family members went to Bridgehead for breakfast. Just lovely.
As for today: I’m planning to catch up on neglected and/or overdue art projects . I am finally feeling a little more inspired. This is good.
In related news: I was informed that a photo of mine was selected for the cover of the fall issue of Bywords, a poetry quarterly published here in Ottawa. The photo is going to be printed on posters and promo material too. Go me! ;)
Have a happy Monday everyone!