Gah! Talk about an easy craft. E.A.S.Y. Even for people like me. I see these magnets for sale at local stores for 3/$10 and it makes me cringe. They’re.So.Easy. And addictive too. I think I have about 40 of these stuck on the fridge and various other metal surfaces around the house. I could easily make more. Hmmm. Perhaps I will!
Some pics below (am recycling old pics – forgive me!), and a link to instructions follows.
The superhero series. Oh, and there’s Emma with Santa:
And some cute lil’ animals:
Okay, this one is more recent… it’s the magnet board near our desks in the office:
I got the inspiration for these at this site. Her instructions are right on the nose. Follow them to the tee, including the part about the silicone glue, this is very important. Get the glue, otherwise you’ll regret it. The glue is thick and forms a squishy cushion for the magnet. It’s the professional-looking choice, and you want these to look professional, don’t you?
Michael’s sells packs of 50 magnets. (Don’t roll your eyes, 50 will go fast!) You can also get the “marbles” there, but I’ve seen them at the dollar store too. Just make sure they’re big enough to cover your magnet base.
Where to get teeny pictures: scour your magazines. Some mags are better than others. Cottage Life is better than Canadian Living, for example. Do you know anyone who subscribes to art/graphic design publications? These are the best.
Don’t limit yourself to pictures, patterns are cool too (think zebra or leopard) or bright colours.
You don’t even need to use clear round marbles either. These are my favourite, because they give you a slightly distorted effect which I like, but I’ve also made magnets with pink heart-shaped marbles instead. Underneath I pasted words like “love” and “joy” and “play.” Yeah yeah. I’m a softie. I know it.
These are great… am I right or am I right? Has anyone out there made these? (ETA: millions of magnets on Flickr!]
Coming up next, an easy peasy wrapping solution for gifts that are too small for regular gift bags.