23 May, 2008
new addition(s) to the family!
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Easy ways to make kids happy|Oh! Things!
Emma’s Sea Monkeys hatched. I was so thrilled I was handing out cigars in the school parking lot yesterday.
As a kid I longed for a family of my own Sea Monkeys. The lure of the Sea Monkey family was irresistable. I always saw them in comic books ads… always depicted with toothy grins and wearing crowns. Remember the bodacious sea monkey mamma and her frolickly children? (Here’s an old illo! Ha.)
Somehow I had the idea that they could learn tricks and understand human language.
I never knew that a Sea Monkey was really a type of brine shrimp, which I suspect my parents knew all along. I never received a Sea Monkey. But now, finally, I see exactly what I’ve been missing.
And it’s very cool.
This morning I have been clicking around the interwebs, researching Sea Monkeys and even watching videos on http://www.seamonkeyworship.com/. If you’re really keen you can even check out the Sea Monkey poetry people have submitted:
sacred monkey of the sea
eternal friend of me
a little fish you are notmonkey you are!
oh, how i yearn to be your pal
never leave me, little gal
keep me in your heart and soul
ever swimming in your bowl (tank)
I just checked on our little brood. They seem to be doing fine: flitting around in the water, laughing, chatting, dancing. They’re still tiny, even smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
I wonder if we should put a toy in their tank? Something to keep them happy?
So what about you? Were you one of those lucky kids who had Sea Monkeys? Or if you didn’t, and still feel sad about it, consider this an official invitation to write your own Sea Monkey haiku or sonnet and add it here. Who knows, it might even be therapeutic.
* a birth of twelve ;)