I was at Karen’s blog recently when I was suddenly reminded me of the blogger’s year in review post. Here’s hers. (Have I mentioned that Karen is one of the nicest bloggers I’ve ever met in real life?) The bloggy year in review is something I love to read and do myself and had totally forgotten about until this very minute. (Thanks Karen!)
Here’s what you do. Just take the first line of the first post of every month and repost them in one big post. (Ha. That isn’t very clear, is it?)
Here’s mine. The name of the month links to the first post of that month (in case you’re curious and want to click through and read the rest):
January – Despite what you may have thought after reading out our lack of plans in that rather desperate-sounding post, our New Year’s actually turned out pretty good.
February – Mark left the grocery store and walked across the parking lot towards our car.
March – How did it go?
April – Good grades Hard work deserves a reward.
May – … is at Dow’s Lake, RIGHT NOW.
June – You turned ten on May 15 and here we are on June 1.
July – [first post didn’t contain a single word!]
August – A few months ago I read a book called Food Matters in which author Mark Bittman wrote about his decision to become a part-time vegan, that is, turning two out of three daily meals (i.e. breakfast and lunch) into vegan meals.
September – I’m using my phone to snap and upload a photo every hour for the entire day.
October – Last night Julie and I went to see Beyond the Score, an innovative show at the NAC.
November – When I was a kid I remember collecting Halloween candy in giant pillowcases, making my own costumes (that is, unless you count the time time I wore this costume … although mine was Snow White!), and I remember the candy.
December – I made my envelopes last weekend and pulled together our list of activities just last night.