23 Jun, 2011
The West-end Urban Tree Challenge
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Challenge me, challenge you|Ottawa
After the whole saga with our tree the other day I got to thinking about a few things. (1) I am terrible at tree identification, and I think I should be better at it. (2) Where, in our neighborhood are the best and biggest specimens? (3) Can I find a way to identify and share them with you guys?
That’s where my urban tree map idea started. My goal here is to:
To that effect I created a Google Map document and marked down a few significant trees that I knew about:
Click to view my neighborhood tree map!
Can you help me identify some great trees in the area that’s outlined on the map above? (I’m thinking ahead to biking distances.) I’d be happy to get a dozen different specimens. And when we get to 12, my family will be climbing on our bikes and going on a tree-related scavenger hunt. And you can too! Woot!
If you know of a great tree, please plot it on the map! (Which should be fully editable if you have a Google account. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you.)
And because I need serious help in this area, I am using technology to lend a hand! I just downloaded an app called LeafSnap to help with this process. And if that doesn’t work, I’m going to the library. :)
Do you live in the area? Can you help? Add to the map!
Please note:
- The tree should be easily viewable from public property i.e. not in someone’s private backyard)
- Please share as much information as you can in the description of your pin (like species and age of tree if you know it)
- Pick the biggest and best specimens you can! Variety is good.:)
If you aren’t the tree-hugging type, please consider forwarding this information to someone who is. The more people who are in on this, the better. Thank you!