Yesterday I snapped my 200th photo of my 200th lunch. Here it is:
If you’re curious as to why the heck I’m taking pictures of my lunch every day you can read about it right here. (And if anyone out there wants to buy me lunch I’M ALL EARS.)
I’ve been on a soup kick lately, as you probably have already guessed from a recent post on the issue. Soup makes a pretty satisfying lunch, and interestingly, I think it’s helped me lose some of that Christmas poundage. But here’s the big question: do the kids eat my soups? Sadly, they do not. But I always diligently spoon some into tiny ramekins for sampling and I always hold my breath while I wait for someone to exclaim: THIS IS GOOD MOM. It’s only happened once in recent memory, and that was with this potato soup recipe (but that wasn’t really a surprise because it tastes EXACTLY like liquid mashed potatoes).
The soup pictured above was borne out of desperation. I didn’t have anything planned for lunch, and I was starving because I had forgotten to eat breakfast. I poured a bunch of stuff together and it worked out! Woot! Don’t you love it when that happens? (Also, I hate eating my culinary failures.) I uploaded the recipe to because I thought it was worthy of sharing with a larger community. (Er, and I’m the editor, and this is the kind of stuff that I do.) Speaking of which, are you a member of yet? I’d love to see what you’re cooking!