I’ve been the lucky recipient of Amaryllis bulbs for the past few Christmases. They did what they did best: bloom in a very spectacular fashion right around the holidays, and then die.
In December 2015 I was DETERMINED to bring my three bulbs back to life again. So after their big showy bloom I did some research and clipped off the dead flowers, put the plants in a sunny corner, and gave them an occasional watering. Once the risk of frost was past in the spring I sprinkled a bit of slow-release fertilizer in each the pots and moved them outside so they could take in some sunlight and gather enough energy to produce their trademark showstopper blooms at the end of the year. Come fall, I brought them back inside, trimmed off the leaves (which had died back naturally) and put them in a cool, dry, dark corner of the basement where they could think pretty thoughts.
A few weeks ago I repotted them with care and set them on our south-facing window. I don’t exactly have a green thumb, but I was hopeful.
Here’s where we’re at right now:
This one miiiight have a bud coming out but I’m not quite sure yet. The second bulb (it’s in the silver pot behind) is looking a little scraggly and has yet to show something other than leaves. The third one, well, it’s not looking good. The bulb seems green and healthy but it’s not taking in water and is refusing to budge.
Maybe my cold storage wasn’t cold enough? Or perhaps I didn’t fertilize or give them enough down time? Do you buy them new every year or regrow them from the bulb? If you have tips, I am all ears.