22 Dec, 2007
Gifts for the squirrels and birds
Posted by andrea tomkins in: - Ottawa for kids|Easy ways to make kids happy|File under crafty|Misc. life|Photography
When I planned the activities for our family advent calendar I forgot how busy we tend to get in the leadup to Christmas. We’ve had to postpone a couple of items.
The gift-making for our resident birds and squirrels was supposed to happen on the 20th. We didn’t finish until today, two days later. We hung over a dozen items in our backyard. The chickadees were all over them within about 20 minutes. Unfortunately they’re calling for rain over the weekend. I don’t know how well they’re going to hold up.
To make the items pictured above:
Top pic: Take half a stale bagel, spread heavily with peanut butter, press into seed mix and hang.
Bottom: Mix up some gelatin and add bunch of seeds. Press with wet hands into muffin tin. Tie with kitchen string and hang.
We bought our seeds at the bulk food store, which worked out great. No lugging 20 lbs bags of seed! We bought only what we needed. And it was cheap. I think it worked out to three dollars worth.
We also tried making old fashioned garlands using popcorn, raisins and Cheerios. Emma did okay, but Sarah and I both poked ourselves with the sewing needle, hard. Popcorn is actually pretty hard to string. I won’t be trying that one again anytime soon.
Today, the girls and I are heading out to a Christmas party. Mark is staying home to get a few things done around the house.
I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas already. I’m not quite ready. Are you?