This was my lunch yesterday:
Not that exciting, I know, but I’ve been inspired to focus on myself and my eating habits.
Call it a midlife crisis, but this is going to be the summer I buy myself a two-piece bathing suit!
I’ve realized that if I don’t want to pig out at dinner I need to eat regular healthy snacks during the day. I used to pooh-pooh this idea but I’ve tried it and it really works for me.
I eat breakfast. I’ll have something mid-morning (like a boiled egg), lunch around noon, and then something in the afternoon around 2:00 (like a sliced apple with almond butter). In lieu of a second coffee (I’ve been drawing the line at one cup of Really Good Coffee in the morning) I’ve been brewing some green tea in the afternoon. (I finally found a suitable mug! I know this might sound bizarre, but I can’t drink it out of a traditional coffee mug and my Japanese tea cups were cute but too small.)
Around 4:00 p.m. I like to have a bowl of soup. This has worked miracles for me. It totally takes the edge off and makes me a happier person. I’ve tried a couple of different recipes, broccoli soup, carrot, one with chickpeas etc. if anyone has some fave soup recipes please share! (Marla posted a great one in the comments of this post.)
Come dinner I have one helping of the “main,” a small amount of carb, and will only have seconds if it’s the vegetable. (Related: I discovered this amazing sesame roasted cauliflower recipe the other day.)
I’m putting my foot down and not eating after dinner. This is a tough one because Mark is exceptionally good at making popcorn and it’s very hard to resist.
As for today, well, I am going to throw all this to the wind because there’s going to be an influx of baked goods coming into the house. But more on that later. ;)