03 Oct, 2009
Hourly Photo project recap
Posted by andrea tomkins in: Memes/blog awards etc|Photography
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Hourly Photo project. I think this was an interesting project on so many levels. The day went by so quickly for me, especially with my alarm going off every hour. It surprised me almost every time, and I’d think “another hour went by ALREADY?” Egads. I’M HURTLING TOWARDS MY GRAVE, ONE HOUR AT A TIME.
Anyway, it was a real treat to watch all of your days unfold, no matter where you were or what you happened to be doing. To watch everyone’s story get written one photo, one hour at a time was really amazing. Thank you for that.
It also reminded me that although my life feels mundane at times it really isn’t. I have the freedom to walk to the store and pick up a magazine, go to the gym, eat lunch with my husband, pick up my children from school, and make pizza from scratch. (Although I admit, I got ZERO work done! Ha.)
Here’s a final list of participants and (if available) links to their photos. If I missed you please let me know where you posted your photos and I’ll add you to the list. (Remember, these are all from Friday October 2, 2009 only!):
- Lex
- Sherry (photos)
- Soire (photos)
- Sharon (photos)
- Ginger (photos)
- Lynn (photos)
- Katy Watts (photos)
- Marilyn Warrender
- Psychgrad (photos)
- bunnyhero (photos)
- Geri (photos)
- Brianne (photos)
- rikrak (photos)
- Momartfully (photos)
- BeachMama (photos)
- Blake Eligh (photos)
- Sarah Banks (photos)
- Shan (photos)
- me
Many of these were uploaded to the Flickr group, so you are able look at a bunch of them in one go.
Isn’t it neat to get this kind of glimpse into other people’s lives? Did you look through the photos? What were your favourites?
Some of you complained that your shots were boring. Yes, part of what we do during the day is mundane but the challenge – at least for me – was to find the beauty in the details no matter where I was.
I also found it challenging to shoot with my iPhone, which gives me no control over anything but composition.
Thanks again to everyone who played along! I hope you had just as much fun as I did!