The office is cold today, and I have a crapload of work to do. I’m wearing slippers and have thrown an old blanket under my feet. I have a feeling there will be a lot of coffee in the picture, not just to keep me awake, but to keep my fingers warm. There is ice on the window sills. It is deceptively sunny outside.
For some reason I’ve been really stuck on this New Year’s resolution thing, despite the fact that I have publicly stated that I don’t “do resolutions.” I can’t seem to empty my brain of the idea. After all, January is the WORST time of year to start something new. It’s cold. It gets dark early. The entire month is Generally Demotivating. But at the same time there’s a new calendar hanging on the back door, and it’s totally clean and wide open to opportunities and change. It’s hard to reconcile these two opposing feelings I am having right now.
I have this awful habit of reaching for my iPhone as soon as I wake up. I really hate it, because it makes me feel needy and addicted. The first thing I open is my email (I really don’t know why, because the only thing I will find there are newsletters and Spam) and the second thing is Facebook. I can easily open Facebook and waste 20 minutes seeing what my favourite people are up to, reading what they’re reading, watching what YouTube videos they’ve been watching etc.
As I went to grab my phone this morning I stopped myself and… got up. I decided I wasn’t going to waste 20 minutes in bed reading Facebook updates. I was going to spend my 20-minutes on Facebook WHILE I was on the treadmill. So that’s what I did. I read stuff here and there, and also looked at 50 of the cutest things that happened in 2013 according to Buzzfeed (that was 10 minutes right there) and while I was doing that I was also taking a brisk walk.
And before I knew it, the 20 minutes was done. It was a pretty good way of starting the day, and it’s only twenty minutes. I figure if I can’t scrounge up and can’t invest TWENTY MINUTES in my physical and mental health I must be a pretty pathetic creature. For what it’s worth, this article gave be the added motivation I needed to do it, but also the fact that a month of eating cookies and chocolate has left me feeling pretty gross.
I’ll continue with my resolution-that’s-not-really-a-resolution until I am feeling better about myself.